Tag Archives: food



Dios mio. I’ve been craving milktea all day that I had to go and make one a while ago. I also didn’t have the time to take out my DSLR and prepare some fancy-schmancy photoshoot session with a beverage so make do with a photo from an iPad.

(hahahahuhuhu i’m sorry this blog is beginning to turn into my daily journal or something)

*hint* Guys, I’m free tomorrow for a milk tea date/hang-out! Just holla me up!*hint*

Love, Love, Love!


Saturday Movie Night at Chingkeetea was a blast! If you live in Cagayan de Oro, I’m sure you’ve heard of Chingkeetea (if not, where the hell do you live bro, Bikini Bottom?!).

Well, today, or tonight rather, was the first night of their Saturday Movie Nights. Let me just say that I loved how cozy and homey the movie area was. They had couches on the ground, smooth rugs under to sit on the floor and a big loveseat fit for three (lol i guess third-wheels like to sit on the loveseat too hehe). They had this big LCD screen on and two really loud speakers so that you can really hear the dialogue of the film. Of course, the area was air-conditioned, much like the rest of the tea house, so it’s a great chance to snuggle up if you’re there with a special someone (just no other forms of PDA okay respect the woefully single please).

Tonight, they were playing Pretty in Pink (for my review, please click me!) and it was pretty fun. We laughed, we smiled, we guffawed, we scoffed, we laughed again, we hurled at the cheesiness or was it just me?!, we smiled again and we appropriately groaned when the movie was over. My friends and I really had an awesome time, and it really did put a smile on my face when I was going home (I’m pretty sure the driver of the taxi I was in was giving me weird looks I mean come on who doesn’t get scared to be sitting in a vehicle with a guy who would randomly smile and giggle to himself huh).

Also, Ms. Chingkee Te (the owner) was beautiful and awesome and perfect and let’s stop with the adjectives before the rest of my manliness flies out the window. She personally saw to us and even joined us when watching the film. The friendly and caring aura she exuded enabled us to feel at home while watching the film, totally relaxed enough to laugh aloud and smile.

Oh, and before I forget, there was food! No good movie night goes without food, alright. It’s like common sense. It’s like water being wet and fart being smelly (lol what). Along with your ticket, you get popcorn, grilled cheese sandwich (I’m 98% sure it was grilled cheese sandwich but it was dark and I have a tendency to mistake things in the dark) and, of course, tea of any choice and flavor that you desire. Mine was my current favorite, Mullberry fruit tea (I still am hoping for Raspberry to pop up any time soon, *hint hint*). With a happy belly, a content heart and a smile that doesn’t seem to be fading for a really long time, I can safely say that I enjoyed the night.

The PHP 150 was totally reasonable and it was such a bargain! I am so signing up for next week’s movie night, which would be featuring the awesome Notting Hill, and I am bringing along many more of my friends with me.

For those who are looking for a great place to watch a movie, a place where you can feel at home and be happy and just laugh, smile, guffaw and cry with your friends and loved ones, Chingkeetea’s Saturday Movie Nights is your answer. I recommend, no, command it!




P.S. I wanted to take a photo of the place but I forgot to bring my camera and, sadly, Blackberry isn’t known for its photo quality so instead of disappointing myself with it, I’ll just remember to bring a camera for next week! Thankfully, Ms.Chingkee took lots of them (hopefully I didn’t look like crap because I just came from Physics and wowireallyneedtotakeabath).